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GPSR Compliance

We are dedicated to ensuring the safety and security of your purchases. In line with the General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR), we have outlined the steps we take to guarantee that all our products meet the highest safety standards.

In accordance with the GPSR, we have appointed a ‘Responsible Person’ within the EU to monitor compliance and make sure that the products you trust are safe and suitable for their intended use. Their contact information is provided below:

eucomply OÜ
Pärnu mnt. 139b-14
11317 Tallinn

Please note: This address is for use by authorities only.

You can be confident that your deliveries within the EU will continue without interruption. We have everything organized to ensure your orders are delivered safely and efficiently. Should you have any questions regarding our safety procedures or delivery process, feel free to reach out – either by replying to this message or contacting our helpful Customer Support team.

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